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Jan 25, 2015

YOUR Sins are Forgiven

Passage: Luke 7:36-50

Preacher: John Huizinga

Series: A hypocrite! Who, me?


A Hypocrite! Who, me? Part 3 – Your Sins Are Forgiven


So by now we know that Jesus reserves his harshest criticism for Pharisees. But Christ is above all merciful, so in our reading from Luke 7 we find that he is having dinner at the house of a Pharisee named Simon. He does not give up on this man. And at that dinner Jesus receives the gratitude of a woman who the rest of the community dismisses simply as 'a sinner.' While the Pharisee looks at another person and only sees a ‘sinner,’ Jesus responds with the gospel: ‘your sins are forgiven.’ That’s the good news we’ll share together. Who am I? And maybe I can’t get around my regrets, failures, emptiness, brokenness, disappointing others and myself. In Christ I am made something altogether different and new. ‘Your sins are forgiven.’ Can we receive this good news and respond to it?